39% of companies stop investing in digital processes
In 2021 Isabel Group once again sent out a survey to its customers and partners. Thanks to our unique ecosystem, we reach an interesting mix of sectors and profiles. That’s how we keep our finger on the pulse of the digital maturity of the Belgian business world.
Our respondents
More than 1500 respondents shared their vision and findings on the digitization of their financial department:
- 1500 CEOs and CFOs of companies from both the services and manufacturing sectors,
- 105 accountants
Highlights of the FinExpert Survey 2021
We found the following results remarkable:
- 39% of the companies do not plan any further investments when it comes to digitizing their processes. They consider the job done.
- 70% of accountancy firms cite “internal challenges” as the main obstacle to further digitalization of their activities.
- 93% of Belgian companies have started their digital journey, with 13% considering themselves “well advanced”.
Recognizable for your company?
We processed all the answers, did our analyses and collected it all in a conveniently arranged report.
Download the report for free via our Fintech Research page
Will these insights remain the same? The survey of this fall will tell.