Daphné Lammens

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TruliUs wins award ‘Coolest HR Tech solution of the year’

At the 5th edition of HR innov & tech day 2022, our digital identity solution TruliUs received the award for Coolest HR Tech Solution of the Year 2022. The jury and attendees liked the trilingual presentation of Frank Verhaest, Product Marketing Manager, and awarded us the award.

“Only 4 minutes were given to me to explain what challenges TruliUs can solve for the HR industry. So I started the pitch with a fake name. After all, they have no idea who I really am. And so it goes with the digital signing of contracts, for example. On the citizen side, Belgium already has a fantastic solution for that with itsme®. TruliUs wants to become the business version of that,” says Frank.

“The fact that Isabel Group, Belgium’s largest FinTech company, won the prize with one of its software solutions is quite striking and illustrates both a certain fading of the sector and the HR world’s need for efficient and innovative tools that dare to look beyond its own four walls,” adds HRMinfo.

TruliUs: a business digital identity, also for HR

Companies are doing more and more business online. Think about signing documents to purchasing products and services. But how can you find out the identity of a party you want to do business with in a virtual environment? Verify and build in security to protect against fraudulent and illegal activities. With TruliUs, you can get certainty about the identity of your business partner in four steps.

Find out more about a business digital identity

TruliUs wins Coolest HR tech solutions of the year 2022

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