We are Isabel Group: Folkert De Neve, our Customer Success Manager
Age: 34
Education: Communication Sciences
Best memory (so far at least): roadtripping along the west coast of the U.S. and Canada
Folkert de Neve is Team Lead Customer Success. The title speaks for itself, but in a one-liner: making sure that customers can use Isabel Group products in the best possible way. Whether it’s onboarding or training on premise; customers are given all the tools they need to get the most out of their purchase. Recently Folkert won an Isabel Group value award. The perfect time for us to sit down and get to know him a bit better.
You, yourself and you
Folkert, what character traits characterize you?
Folkert: “I like to have fun and keep a positive attitude. This most likely has something to do with it. With my critical eyes on, I’d describe myself as impatient; I prefer things to move forward (laughs).”
“I’ll add, curious. Do you know about this phenomenon: you watch one YouTube video on some (often ridiculous) topic, and before you know it, you’ve spent days watching it. For example, I am afraid of flying but am fascinated by anything motorized in the air. I flew everything about it to the point where I can tell what kind of Boeing is flying by.”
Would your team members recognize you in these descriptions?
Folkert: “Of course, you are always a little different in private than in a professional context, especially if you manage a team. But I believe that the positive attitude is always present, and that people know they can come to me for help. Relationships are crucial to me in any case; everyone needs to feel at ease at work. Isabel Group just arranged a particularly intriguing change management training course; let me tell you, managing is more than just showing off achievements. I need the input of my colleagues just as much as they need mine.”
Behind the screens
… at home or at the office?
Folkert: “At Isabel Group we are allowed to work hybrid, but when there are meetings, I like to be there physically. In my case, that’s two or three days a week. The best thing about working from home is the flexibility; working from the office has the biggest advantage of getting things done faster. When you see people, it’s always more personal anyway.”
Do you stay up-to-date by reading regularly or do you prefer to swallow the big chunk all at once during boot camp?
Folkert: “I’m not very good at sitting still for long periods of time, so I leave the bootcamp to the diehards. Fortunately, I really enjoy reading, and can really immerse myself in a lot of topics. Yes, I’m a studious person, haha.”
Guts, teamwork, innovation and simplicity are the Isabel Group values. How do you personally interpret them?
Folkert: “Teamwork, that goes without saying; I find trusting each other and being in tune with each other very important. Guts to me means daring to go against the flow. Innovation, then you usually think immediately in terms of products – and that is of course true, a lot of trial and error is done here, tested in order to switch quickly if necessary. But I see it more broadly, also at the HR level, for example. My colleagues there set up many initiatives around flexible working, healthy snacks and so on. That is also innovation.”
“From a Customer Success perspective, for me, simplicity is: making it as easy as possible for customers. Protocols are certainly necessary, but they can be quite time-consuming. Processes are inherently associated with large companies, but they shouldn’t distract you from a particular goal. And I think we strike a good balance here.”
Folkert De Neve Customer Success Manager" Innovation, you would usually think in terms of products – and that is of course true. But I see it more broadly, at the HR level, for example. My colleagues there set up many initiatives around flexible working, healthy snacks and so on. That is also innovation."
One or the other
Luxury vacation or prefer a streak of adventure?
Folkert: “Two weeks hopping through the jungle or a benji jump: no thanks. And lying vegetating by the pool of an all-in hotel neither. Let me visit some things and discover villages, and I’m satisfied.”
Car or bicycle?
Folkert: “The bike, for the clean views. At Isabel Group we get a bike allowance and we can even lease a velo.”
Early bird or night owl?
Folkert: “I get up with the roosters. I’m usually out of bed by six and still try to get some exercise. My friends declare me crazy (laughs).”
The age of…
Artificial intelligence: your thoughts?
Folkert: “I have a positive attitude, so I see a lot of potential. But the framework and the goal have to be very clear, because any technology you use for the good, you can also use for the bad. Using AI to more efficiently detect cancer cells is a phenomenal evolution; if you misuse it to do facial recognition with unethical intentions, that’s a whole other thing.”
Inclusion: what does it mean to you?
Folkert: “We’re definitely working on it at Isabel Group, and I think that’s great. There is an ESG team – Environmental Social Governance – that looks at what the impact of our company is on the environment, in the broadest sense of the word. And we also have a team that focuses specifically on inclusion. All colleagues found a survey in their mailbox the other day. It polled how we feel at Isabel Group, and whether we feel that inclusion is a passive rather than an active thing.”
The one for the road
Why should someone join the Isabel Group bunch?
Folkert: “Isabel Group is an established company with lots of top products, and always room for even more innovation. Our customer is number one for us while we take excellent care of all employees. We are Top Employer 2023 in Belgium, so you see, I’m not sucking anything out of my thumb(laughs).”