Wesley Danckaerts

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We are Isabel Group: An De Belder, Customer Support Manager

  • Studied: Computer Science

  • Memorable moments in her life: the birth of her two (now teenage) sons and (for the romantics) how her husband proposed to her in the loge of La Scala in Milan.

An De Belder, Customer Support Manager CodaBox

An De Belder is the Customer Support Manager, and she is deeply committed to her role. She started as the sole technical support employee at CodaBox (a subsidiary of Isabel Group) when the company was just starting to grow. As the company expanded, so did An’s responsibilities. Her experience led her to become part of the management team, and since then, she has been leading the eleven-member support team. Her job involves coordinating daily support, communicating with customers, devising processes, and keeping a close eye on cross-team activities.


You, yourself, and you

What character traits are typical of An?

An: “I am disciplined, caring, organized, and have a well-developed sense of responsibility, both at home and at work. I enjoy doing good things for others, whether it’s something small or more significant.”


Surely, your colleagues recognize these traits in you?

An: “I believe so. I am the same An at work as I am at home, so you always see the real me (laughs). I have a soft spot for social projects, enjoy organizing events, and in the previous municipal elections, you could find me on the candidate list. You’ll find me on the list for the upcoming ones too, by the way.”


Behind the scenes

Remote work is the new normal. Are you a fan of it?

An: “Indeed, we don’t have to come to the office every day, but I am not a fan of remote work (although I’m temporarily making an exception since puppy Suki stole our hearts – and household).”

“After the pandemic, I was one of the first to request to come back to the office. I much prefer being among my colleagues so that I can be more involved in everything. Also, I like to keep my workspace separate from my living area – there’s no place like home, but not for work (laughs).”


Regarding further education, do you have regular (mandatory) training sessions?

An: “Our company provides various internal and external workshops and courses, for example, on change management or leadership. I also invested time in a ‘presenting with impact’ course. It’s a pity that the busy schedule often prevents me from putting the new knowledge into practice.”

“Of course, it’s crucial that we stay informed about the services offered by CodaBox: my team and I need to know about any small or major changes in the system and/or our offerings.”


Isabel Group stands by its values: guts, teamwork, innovation, and simplicity. How do you embody them?

An: “Well, I just won an award for guts. Making tough decisions, initiating changes, and being brave enough to take difficult decisions are all part of my job. I was pleased that my efforts didn’t go unnoticed.”

“I consider teamwork crucial, both within a team and between different teams. Isabel Group follows the ‘Day in the Shoes’ principle, where departments get to experience each other’s jobs. This not only creates a bond among colleagues but also helps us understand how busy their days can be.”

“Our services are not always easy to explain and commercialize. CodaBox doesn’t sell software but offers digital files to accountants; it’s a unique process. Keeping this clear and understandable for all parties is necessary. Simplicity is certainly a point that deserves continuous attention.”

“As for innovation, well, we’ve transitioned from a world of extensive paperwork to a digital world. It saves a lot of time and money, so that’s definitely an innovation worth mentioning.”

"It’s like being part of a big family here, where you give and receive a lot. Isabel Group takes great care of its employees, which fosters mutual commitment. Life here is genuinely good (laughs)."

An De Belder Customer Support Manager
an de belder 2

One or the other

Do you prefer adventurous holidays, or do you like things to be more relaxed?

An: “Well, I’m not exactly a sunbather. I value comfort and relaxation, but that doesn’t mean I spend my days motionless. Last year, my husband and I went on a road trip through Italy, with all the trimmings; it was the perfect mix of new experiences and luxury. I leave backpacking or daring expeditions to others (laughs).”

Are you an active or passive sports enthusiast?

An: “I’m simply not a sports enthusiast, unless you count an hour of tennis per week (winks). Sports isn’t really in my genes.”

Car or bike, An?

An: “Well, I don’t even have a bike. So far, it’s been just a thought.”


The one for the road

You have 10 seconds to convince someone to join Isabel Group…

An: “It’s like being part of a big family here, where you give and receive a lot. Isabel Group takes great care of its employees, which fosters mutual commitment. Life here is genuinely good (laughs).”

Interested in becoming a colleague? We have dozens of vacancies. 

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